We roast to create a pristine, sweet, and balanced cup profile. We source coffee which holds true to our core values: sustainability, experimentation, quality, and most importantly deliciousness.


New Packaging - Eco-friendly and Minimal
We have been inspired as of late to show our planet more love and to lead a more minimal lifestyle. And these feelings translate into our new packaging! It's simply a valved biodegradable bag...

New Harvest Limu Gera, Ethiopia - now available!
Kora Kenya and El Rincon Guatemala are almost out but we have a delicious new juicy offering which is now available - the Limu Gera from Ethiopia. Read more about...
New Coptic Light Packaging!
A unique aspect of Coptic Light is that our lovely coffee is always packaged in equally as beautiful art. With so many talented artist friends, we have decided to rotate...