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Located in prime coffee land and less than 5 km from the town of Yirgacheffe, the Aricha washing station is in reach of several coffee-growing communities. Everything is perfect for coffee here – the farmer community is experienced, the soil is fertile, the mountains and forests provide the ideal microclimate. However, it wasn't until Faysel Abdosh from Testi Coffee took over in 2018 that the quality of the coffees from these local communities has elevated into the gems they are today.
Faysel comes from a family of coffee growers and therefore, has the intuition and experience needed not only to manage a washing station but work with farmers. He is a strong believer in working with farming communities and growing together. In Aricha, this has meant working with the regional government and getting electricity lines running to farmers’ homes and investing in building a school for the community’s children in the area.
Around five hundred farmers from the vicinity regularly bring their cherries to the washing station. Nearly all the farmers are from southern Ethiopia’s Gedeo ethnic group. They have lived in this area for as long as anyone can remember and have grown coffee here since the 1920s. They are experienced farmers who usually farm on small, family-owned plots of land rarely exceeding two hectares in area. These “home gardens” are also home to staple crops and indigenous forest trees and experts believe they have helped preserve the region’s plant diversity.
“We have a good relationship with our farmers,” says Faysel, as he explains how he wants the farmers to see the washing station as their own. Testi pays a premium to farmers who bring their cherries exclusively to the Aricha washing station. In addition, the washing station shares profits with the farming community, providing an incentive to ever improve the quality of the coffee they bring to the washing station.
Unlike many washing stations in Ethiopia which combine the cherries from various regional communities into one lot, the Aricha station processes each community’s coffee separately, allowing its unique terroir, growing practices, and flavor to shine.
The beautiful coffee we bring to you today takes its name from the Naga Singage Mountain which sits near the Gersi kebele (neighborhood). An important landmark for the Gedeo community, the Naga Singage mountain is a traditional place of reconciliation and healing. Smallholders here live and work at some of the highest altitudes in the region between 1950 and 2150 masl. We selected this coffee for its rich honey-like sweetness with prominent notes of peach and raspberry jam. This unbelievably smooth coffee goes down easy - so savor it and enjoy!
Country, Region: Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe, Gersi
Washing Station: Aricha
Processing: Washed
Variety: Kurume, Mixed Heirloom
Elevation: 1950-2150 masl
Tastes of: Peach, raspberry jam, honeysuckle